
Adapting agricultural systems to the effects of climate change requires farm-specific innovations and adaptive measures. Such innovative measures were developed for organic farming systems in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany by a regional innovation network using an action research approach. The goal of the presented approach was to address climate change-related farm-specific problems, develop specific adaptation measures and learn new approaches such as proactive risk management and strategic adaptive behaviour. In a cyclical process of analysis, planning, action and reflection, the network of researchers and organic farmers repeatedly used SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses to structure the transdisciplinary innovation and adaption process. First, the organic farmers identified as main weaknesses the water and nitrogen supply likely to be worsened by climate change; then, farm-specific adaption measures were identified and tested by conducting on-farm experiments at six organic farms. By evaluating and thus adjusting and retesting the measures in consecutive trials, new farming methods were developed to increase diversification and decrease risk in organic farming practices. Along with the iterative process, the network was expanding and the collective learning process led to changes in attitudes and behaviour. A clear example is the stakeholders’ initially positive view of reduced tillage, which they later questioned and changed. The participating organic farmers proved to be active partners; their openness to innovation and their approach to problem solving make them well suited to action research. In adapting regions to climate change, these kinds of stakeholders will play a decisive role.

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