
The author investigated the nature of institutional quality in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) on the basis of voice and accountability political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption. The author further investigated the existence of a link between institutional quality and factors of production. The results show that capital, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment are the major determinants of production of tradable goods in COMESA. In exception of Mauritius and Namibia (currently no longer a member) the rest of COMESA member states have very poor institutional quality. This affects their ability to attract foreign direct investment hence production of tradable goods. Voice and accountability, government effectiveness, rule of law and political stability play a major role in increasing production of tradable goods in COMESA. Foreign direct investment is affected by voice and accountability, rule of law and political stability than any other factors. Availability of raw material is affected by government effectiveness, regulatory quality, political stability, voice and accountability and control of corruption. Capital is very sensitive to issues of voice and accountability and control of corruption and regulatory quality.

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