
Employment is essential during the treatment and recovery process for individuals with substance use disorders. As such, rehabilitation counselors play a vital role in ensuring the success of these consumers by offering services that increase the likelihood of employment. State and federal vocational rehabilitation programs can offer any of 19 services to consumers and by identifying services offered to those with substance use disorders who have been rehabilitated successfully, counselors can make a concerted effort to incorporate them when most appropriate. As a replica of a study conducted over 10 years ago, the current study seeks to determine if the services identified as increasing successful employment outcomes using data from 2005 still hold true today especially since gainful employment remain low for this population. After effective services are identified, one may then determine how to best incorporate these services into the overall Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) to better assist those with substance use disorders (SUDs). Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 911 datasets were analyzed for years 2010-2014, and chi-square analyses identified five services as increasing the probability of successful case closure (i.e., employment): 1) job placement, 2) on-the-job supports, 3) maintenance, 4) job search, and 5) other. Descriptions of each service are provided as well as suggestions for application and implementation.

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