
Abstrgt: The effeetiveness of aerial applieations of 2,4-D (2,4-diehlorophenoxyaeetie aeid) in reducing the population of hazel (Corylus spp. ) and other low-preferenee browse speeies and inereasing the supply of the better browse plants for white-tailed deer (Odecoileus vqrginianus) was studied from 1958 to 1968 in each of four eover types in Minnesota. Stem eounts after 2 years and dry-weight determinations after 6 years, showed that the proportion and total abundance of the better browse plants was greater on sprayed than on eontrol plots. Browse produetion after spraying varied from 22 lb on the unsprayed jaek pine (Pinus banksians) plot to 90 lb per aere on the sprayed upland-brush plot. The abundanee of grasses and sedges inereased on all sprayed plots, though a deeline began after about 4 years following spraying. The response by other herbaeeous speeies varied by speeies and cover type. Deer were attraeted to sprayed plots for winter browsing and summer bedding. Pellet groups were still more abundant on the treated than on untreated areas, especially in the aspen type, when the study was terminated 8 years after spraying. 784 Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, October 1969

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