
Increased interest in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sprayers leads to identifying the factors affecting their efficiency. This study aimed to check and introduce a factor that has not been considered so far – the outlet design of a flat-fan nozzle. In a field experiment, spray drift potential and chemical weed control efficacy (sulfosulfuron against spontaneous barley) from an octocopter UAV sprayer was evaluated as a two-factor randomized complete block design including nozzle type (standard, anti-drift, and air induction) and nozzle outlet design (single, twin, and triplet-orifice). When averaged over nozzle outlet design, 22.9, 31.0, and 39.6% in-swath spray deposition and 66.0, 73.6, and 93.5% spontaneous barley control were obtained for standard, anti-drift, and air induction nozzles, respectively. Also, a similar trend from out-swath spray coverage was observed up to 8 m. In the standard, anti-drift, and air induction nozzles, an outlet design change from single-to triplet-orifice changed in-swath spray coverage by −30.8, +16.4, and +39.4% and herbicide efficacy by −27.1, +27.7, and +19.3%, respectively. The results showed that the outlet design of flat-fan nozzles had a significant interaction effect with the nozzle type. It was suitable with the anti-drift and air induction nozzles but unsuitable with the standard nozzle.

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