
It has been postulated that exposure to nitrous oxide and halogenated anaesthetics is associated with various adverse health effects such as neurological and reproductive abnormalities or impairment of hepatic functions. In spite of the quite well known genotoxic effects of exposure to nitrous oxide in vivo, the mechanisms of these effects are still not clear. The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of micronuclei and to identify the type of chromosomal damage (clastogenic or aneugenic) in peripheral blood lymphocytes of operating-room nurses exposed to nitrous oxide. The study group comprised 46 women working at departments where the concentration of nitrous oxide ranged from 14 to 2308 mg/m 3. The control population was composed of 28 women employed in the same hospitals but in non-surgical departments. The clastogenic/aneugenic effect of nitrous oxide was evaluated in lymphocytes using the standard micronucleus (MN) assay in combination with the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with pancentromeric probes. The results show a significant increase of the MN frequency in lymphocytes of exposed nurses compared with the control group (4.36 ± 2.23 versus 9.02 ± 4.67). The multiple regression analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship ( p = 0.0009) between MN frequency and exposure status, indicating that the level of exposure was the main factor affecting chromosomal damage. As assessed by FISH analysis, the overall frequencies of centromere-positive MN in the control and exposed groups were 43 and 49%, respectively. The increase observed in the exposed group may suggest a slight, statistically insignificant pro-aneugenic effect of exposure to nitrous oxide.

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