
LFM W8 is a synthetic 15-residue lactoferricin derivative (H2N-EKCLRWQWEMRKVGG-COOH), corresponding to residues 16-30 of the mature murine lactoferrin protein except that the asparagine residue in position 8 of the native peptide is replaced with tryptophan. We have previously reported that the two tryptophan residues in positions 6 and 8 are of crucial importance for the antibacterial activity of many lactoferricin derivatives but, despite fulfilling this requirement, LFM W8 is inactive against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In order to solve this puzzle, a quantitative structure-antibacterial activity relationship study of synthetic LFM W8 derivatives was performed by replacing the glutamate residues in positions 1 and 9 with arginine or alanine, and the valine residue in position 13 with tyrosine. The results from the study were analyzed using multivariate data analysis. The derived mathematical model clustered the peptides into distinct groups which reflected their antibacterial activities, pointed out correlations between different structural parameters, highlighted the structural parameters that were important for antibacterial activity, and enabled us to predict the activity of a 15-residue bovine lactoferricin derivative. The results showed that net charge and micelle affinity, as determined from the ratio of alpha-helicity in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles and in 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol, were the most important structural parameters affecting antibacterial activity. The most active derivative, LFM R1,9 W8 Y13, displayed a minimal inhibitory concentration of 10 and 12 microM against E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. This represented more than 50-fold and 40-fold increases in antibacterial activity, respectively, compared with LFM W8.

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