
More than 40 years ago G.N. Shangin-Berezovsky was the first to discover the effect of ultrahigh dilution substances on plant growth and development. Further studies in this area attracted interest of many scientists. Studies of the effect and use of ultrahigh dilution substances in agriculture is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. This study was aimed to determine efficiency of different ways of use of homeopathized (e.g. used in ultrahigh dilutions) fertilizers in plant cultivation. We studies the results of ultrahigh dilution fertilizers in different crops. These fertilizers were used in different modes: by watering, spraying, soaking, and strewing. The effect of the frequency of their application was also studied. In all cases when homeopathized remedies were prepared a lot of attention was paid to correct selection of fertilizers. Confirmed increase of plant productivity with the use of a fertilizer was the main criterion for its selection. The results were compared to the control group of plants which were grown in similar conditions in terms of growing technique, water supply and sun exposure. The studies demonstrated reliable increase of productivity of all studied plants with the use of ultrahigh dilution fertilizers in different modes of application. It was found out that the results in vegetables were similar between all breeds within the species, whereas in fruit trees (e.g. apple and pear trees) there was some variability of results depending on the way of selection. The results demonstrated that for fruit trees application of homeopathized fertilizers once a season was preferable and sufficient. For vegetables monthly application frequency should not be exceeded. Increasing frequency of application causes a decrease of productivity. For root crops single application at the time of planting was sufficient and effective. In such a way, our studies demonstrated effectiveness of the use of ultrahigh dilution fertilizers in plants. The results show that the use of homeopathized substances can be promising to increase productivity of agricultural crops.

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