
Oviduct membrane preparations from chicks treated for various times, up to 20 days, with diethylstilbestrol were studied to determine the effect of estrogen-induced differen- tiation on the lipid intermediate pathway of protein glyco- sylation. A significant increase in the transfer of [‘4Clmannose from GDP-[‘*C]Man into [14C]mannosylphos- phoryldolichol, [Wlmannosyloligosaccharide lipid, and [14Clmannosylprotein is found after animals are treated with diethylstilbestrol. These increases parallel increases in the amounts of ovalbumin, lysozyme, and oviduct wet weight. Mannosylphosphoryldolichol and mannosyloligo- saccharide lipid labeled by GDP-[W]Man, using prepara- tions from diethylstilbestrol-treated animals, are chromato- graphically identical to the compounds isolated from mem- brane preparations from mature hens. The specific activities and time courses of reaction are equivalent in fully induced preparations from diethylstilbestrol-treated animals and preparations derived from mature animals. The apparent

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