
High-rise apartment houses have technical and economic advantages in areas with dense population. Their placement in the central part of the city allows increasing the number of living space in the limited territory, to bring population to the place of employment and reduce pendular migration. But increase in population density leads to psychological problems: level of a stress, fatigue increases, the number of phobias grows, infectious diseases extend quicker. These problems can be solved at resettlement of inhabitants to the suburb. However such decision leads to aggravation of a transport problem and the pulsing increase in population density in the downtown and on its suburb. To solve a transport problem, it is necessary not to increase the square of the cities. Therefore in the suburbs is also used high-rise construction. But high-rise residential districts on the suburb of the city get own social problems which are capable to destroy all advantages of high-rise construction.


  • High-rise apartment buildings have technical and economic advantages in areas of high population density

  • In a mixed-use neighbourhood, residents may be a small proportion of the population density

  • In them a large number of people on a small ground can be placed. It allows to save agricultural grounds from building and reduces the energy consumption and emissions of carbon in the environment connected with pendular migration

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High-rise apartment buildings have technical and economic advantages in areas of high population density. They have become a distinctive feature of housing accommodation in virtually all densely populated urban areas around the world. А means of assessing population and building densities at the same time is often used measure dwellings per hectare. It is a useful proxy for comparing housing projects. A concept “density” is borrowed from physics where the meaning is clear – mass divided by volume. When it transferred to the city, nothing is so simple. In a mixed-use neighbourhood, residents may be a small proportion of the population density

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