
Male rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of cadmium sulphate (2.0 mg/kg) for 3 (Cd-3 group), 6 (Cd-6 group) and 8 days (Cd-8 group). The blood samples were prepared for endothelin (ET)-1 assay, and the thoracic aorta was investigated by both electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy using anti ET-1 sera. The plasma ET-1 concentrations of both Cd-6 and Cd-8 groups increased significantly in a cumulative dose-dependent manner. The cadmium-treated rat aorta showed an increase in the number of Weibel-Palade (WP) bodies in endothelial cells, and degranulation and exocytosis of WP bodies occurred exclusively in the Cd-8 group. Immunoreaction for ET-1 was localized preferentially in WP bodies of both cadmium-treated and control groups, and in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the cadmium-treated groups only. Reactivity was also found on the WP bodies undergoing exocytosis in the Cd-8 group. Cadmium intoxication induces an increase in number of ET-1-storing WP bodies in the rat aorta endothelium. The enhancement of extracellular release of their contents by exocytosis results in elevation of the plasma ET-1 concentration.

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