
Linear attenuation coefficient of materials plays an important role in shielding and protection from radiation. It has been observed that higher the density of a material, higher is its linear attenuation coefficient. Thus, to make a material more suitable for shielding from hazards of radiation, one should increase its linear attenuation coefficient through increase in density of the material. The present work reports that density and linear attenuation coefficient of a material can be increased if its crystalline structure is changed from simple cubical structure to body centered cube (BCC) and faced centered cube (FCC). Results show that by changing the crystal structure of a material, its atomic packing factor also increases which is responsible for increase in density and linear attenuation coefficient. Results also show that linear attenuation coefficient increased by 30% when a crystal structure is changed from simple cubical to BCC. An increase of 41% is found when simple cubical structure transforms to FCC structure. This enhances the ability of the material to be used for radiation shielding and cancer prevention.

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