
Dramatic differences in the height of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus L.) treated with two different Rhizobium strains were studied. Lima beans were grown in Perlite in the greenhouse or in a minus-N culture solution in the growth chamber. The plants were inoculated with either Rhizobium sp. (lima bean) strain 127E15, which contains the constitutive nitrate reductase activity, or strain 127E14, which lacks that activity. For up to 3 weeks, no growth differences were observed in the plants inoculated with either strain. Five weeks after inoculation, however, those plants inoculated with strain 127E14 were significantly taller and had a larger number of leaves than those inoculated with strain 127E15. The difference in plant height was the result of increased internode elongation caused by inoculation with Rhizobium sp. 127E14. This response was observed with all lima bean cultivars tested, including Henderson, Fordhook, Allgreen, and Early Thorogreen. The growth difference occurred in plants cultured in the greenhouse or in the growth chamber.No differences were observed in fresh weights of nodules, roots, axes, leaves, or flowers. The number of nodules, pods, or flowers also did not differ. Acetylene reduction rates and total N content were equal in plants inoculated with strains 127E14 or 127E15.Inasmuch as only internode length and leaf number differed between Rhizobium treatments, the response appeared to be hormone-mediated. Application of gibberellic acid to the apex of plants inoculated with strain 127E15 caused an increase in plant height similar to that observed in untreated plants inoculated with strain 127E14. Conversely, the height of plants infected with strain 127E14 was decreased by application of gibberellin synthesis inhibitors to the root system. These data suggest that the increased growth caused by inoculation with strain 127E14 could be the result of increased gibberellin synthesis in lima bean nodules infected with that strain. Whether this response was related to the absence of nitrate reductase activity in strain 127E14 is unknown.

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