
During two simultaneous cruises in the Central Baltic Sea in July 2007 we applied a 15N tracer addition approach to assess the impact of cyanobacterial N2 fixation on mesozooplankton production in the Central Baltic Sea. We determined rates of diazotrophic 15N2 fixation, as well as uptake of diazotrophic derived 15N by mesozooplankton species. Diazotrophic 15N2 fixation rates were low representing pre-bloom situations. A first order estimate using a two source mixing model of natural δ15N-PON abundance revealed that diazotrophic fixed N contributed to 27±8% to mesozooplankton biomass. Additionally, the application of stable isotope tracer showed that fixed 15N was detectable in the mesozooplankton fraction within 1h after the onset of the incubation. On a daily basis, 5% up to 100% of newly fixed 15N and 14% of cyanobacteria standing stock were incorporated by mesozooplankton species in our experimental set-ups. By applying size fractionating experiments and the usage of different control treatments, we calculated that the majority of 15N transfer (67%) was mediated by the release of nitrogenous compounds and their channelling through the microbial loop towards the mesozooplankton community. Moreover, direct grazing on filamentous cyanobacteria accounted for 33% of gross 15N incorporation. Grazing in the experiments seemed to be largely influenced by cyanobacterial species dominating the community and by the abundance of Cladoceran species like Evadne. Overall, N2 fixing cyanobacteria are ecological more important as instantaneous sources of nitrogen for higher trophic levels of the Baltic Sea food web than previously assumed.

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