
Sagittal otoliths from juvenile Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) of known age were used to create a bomb-produced radiocarbon reference chronology for the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) by fitting a coupled-function model to Δ14C values from each specimen’s birth year. The newly created EBS reference chronology was then compared with a reference chronology previously created for Pacific halibut from the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Adult Pacific halibut age-validation samples from the EBS were also analyzed for14C and modeled to validate age-estimation accuracy. A Bayesian model was developed and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate model parameters and adult Pacific halibut ageing bias. Differences in reference chronologies between ocean basins were reflected in a large deviance information criterion (ΔDIC) between models, supporting the hypothesis that two separate coupled-function models were required to adequately describe the data, one each for the EBS and GOA. We determined that regionally specific GOA and EBS oceanography plays a considerable role in the Δ14C values and must be taken into consideration when selecting a reference chronology for bomb-produced14C age-validation studies. The age-validation samples indicated that the current ageing methodology used in Pacific halibut assessments is accurate and has provided accurate age assignments for Pacific halibut in the EBS.

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