
The incorporation and metabolism of various (n-3) and (n-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids supplemented to the culture medium was investigated in the rainbow trout cell line, RTG-2. The distribution, and the occurrence and relative extent of further desaturation and elongation of the incorporated acids was determined in individual phospholipid classes by analysis of the fatty acid compositions. RTG-2 cells exhibited Δ6 and Δ5 desaturase activities whereas Δ4 desaturase activity was almost totally absent. The percentage of precursor acids was greatest in the phosphatidic acid/cardiolipin fraction (PA/CL), suggesting a role for possibly PA in the initial incorporation of these acids into the phospholipid pool. The compositional data indicated that individual intermediates and products of the desaturation pathways were associated with specific phospholipid classes probably via mechanisms depending upon the specificities of the acylating enzymes. The composition of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and the tightly controlled mechanisms for generating/maintaining it are consistent with a role for this phospholipid in providing precursor fatty acid for eicosanoid synthesis.

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