
Abstract We present calculations of auroral radio emission for an Earth-like planet produced by field-aligned current (FAC) driven electron acceleration using a coupled global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and inner magnetosphere model, extending the capabilities of previous works which focus solely on the direct transmission of magnetic energy between the stellar wind and ionosphere. Magnetized exoplanets are expected to produce radio emission via interaction between the host star’s stellar wind and planetary magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The empirically derived Radiometric Bode’s Law (RBL) is a linear relation between the magnetic solar wind power and total emitted radio power from magnetized Solar System planets, and is often extrapolated to extreme exoplanet systems. It has been shown that the magnitudes of the FACs coupling the stellar wind to planetary ionospheres are likely to be significantly limited (often referred to as ionospheric saturation), resulting in an estimated radio power up to several orders of magnitude less than that predicted by RBL. In this paper, we demonstrate the significance of intense, sporadic FACs, driven by nightside magnetic reconnection and inner magnetosphere plasma flow, to the total radio power produced by wind–ionosphere interaction in terrestrial planets. During periods of strong stellar wind variability, the contribution from these secondary currents can be over an order of magnitude greater than the primary current systems that previous models describe. The results highlight the role of the variability of the stellar wind on the magnitude and location of the resulting emission, subsequently affecting the conditions for detectability.

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