
The implementation of technology-based pedagogic practices is becoming increasingly significant in higher education as the admission of digital natives increase. This generation of students, so defined as digital natives because they grew up using computers, tablets, smart phones and other digital technology, show a high level of technological competence, but exhibit deficiencies in competencies related to digital academic tools.
 A group of activities which supports learning, and facilitates student academic success, were compiled in a 28-item challenge for beginning General Education students, as a part of a Life and Study Skills course. Each challenge invited students to access some aspect of digital technology which has the potential to increase their academic competence. The main aim of the exercise was to increase students’ digital academic literacy, exposing them to applications and ICT skills which would increase their efficiency, self-efficacy and accuracy in executing academic tasks. The technology tools used were aimed at accomplishing tasks such as group formation and communication, notetaking, information capture, summarization, synchronous and asynchronous collaboration on tasks, referencing, formatting, grammar check, plagiarism and assessment.
 Students were challenged to complete particular tasks using specific applications. A screenshot of each completed activity was submitted as evidence of task completion. Students were given 28 days to complete the tasks, after which they were required to do two quizzes, using learning platforms they were exposed to in the challenge, demonstrating their new found proficiencies.


  • Prensky coined the terms digital natives and digital immigrants, to distinguish between those who grew up using mobile devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets, video games and the internet, digital natives, and those who acquired knowledge of these tools later in life, digital immigrants (Kennedy, Judd, Churchward, Gray, & Krause, 2008; Stoerger, 2009)

  • Despite the “awe” with which so-called digital immigrants view the technological capabilities of digital natives and the viewpoint that all digital pedagogy is high tech, many students view technology as merely tools which increase efficiency, enhance output quality, and reduce time on task (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Stoerger, 2009)

  • In the project we examine the benefits of introducing academic technology to students early in their academic careers, when it can be of optimal use

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Prensky coined the terms digital natives and digital immigrants, to distinguish between those who grew up using mobile devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets, video games and the internet, digital natives, and those who acquired knowledge of these tools later in life, digital immigrants (Kennedy, Judd, Churchward, Gray, & Krause, 2008; Stoerger, 2009). Though it has been established that the current generation are prolific users of technology, especially in their personal lives (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Stoerger, 2009), this does not represent the total picture of this generation While there are those who have bought into Prensky’s views on the higher performance of these students, and the need to adapt education to their particular learning needs (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Prensky, 2005), there are still those who believe there is too much inhomogeneity inside classrooms to adopt a one-size-fits all pedagogy towards technology-driven pedagogic practices (Baytak, Tarman,& Ayas, 2011; Bennett, Maton, & Kervin, 2008; Yucel et al, 2010).

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