
Spin-triplet superconductors are of extensive current interest because they can host topological state and Majorana fermions important for quantum computation. The uranium-based heavy-fermion superconductor UTe_{2} has been argued as a spin-triplet superconductor similar to UGe_{2}, URhGe, and UCoGe, where the superconducting phase is near (or coexists with) a ferromagnetic (FM) instability and spin-triplet electron pairing is driven by FM spin fluctuations. Here we use neutron scattering to show that, although UTe_{2} exhibits no static magnetic order down to 0.3K, its magnetism in the [0,K,L] plane is dominated by incommensurate spin fluctuations near an antiferromagnetic ordering wave vector and extends to at least 2.6meV. We are able to understand the dominant incommensurate spin fluctuations of UTe_{2} in terms of its electronic structure calculated using a combined density-functional and dynamic mean-field theory.

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