
Population inequality in terms of well-being is an integral part of any society. Under market conditions, the problem of inequality in income distribution is particularly acute, as income and wealth inequality are closely linked to people’s quality of life and stability in society. As a result, it is necessary to promote active economic and social policies aimed at reducing disparities, inequality in the distribution of wealth and income. The paper analyzes some aspects of income inequality in the Republic of Moldova, the trends that have manifested themselves over the last decade, as well as the factors that have influenced these trends. Based on the identified problems, some ways of reducing this phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova were formulate


  • The issue of income inequality has a key position in the political debates around the world

  • The paper analyzes some aspects of income inequality in the Republic of Moldova, the trends that have manifested themselves over the last decade, as well as the factors that have influenced these trends

  • Income inequality means differentiating people or groups of people according to income level as well as consumption level

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Inegalitatea populației, în ceea ce privește bunăstarea, este parte integrantă a oricărei societăți. Problema inegalității în distribuția veniturilor este deosebit de acută, întrucât inegalitatea de venituri și avere este strâns legată de calitatea vieții oamenilor și stabilitatea în societate. Este necesară promovarea unor politici economico-sociale active menite să reducă disparitățile, inegalitatea în distribuirea avuţiei şi veniturilor. Sunt analizate unele aspecte ale inegalității veniturilor în Republica Moldova, tendințele ce s-au manifestat pe parcursul ultimului deceniu, precum și factorii care au influențat aceste tendințe. It is necessary to promote active economic and social policies aimed at reducing disparities, inequality in the distribution of wealth and income. The paper analyzes some aspects of income inequality in the Republic of Moldova, the trends that have manifested themselves over the last decade, as well as the factors that have influenced these trends.

Methods and materials
Czech Republic
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