
We present a hundred-watt-level linearly-polarized random fiber laser (RFL) pumped by incoherent broadband amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) source and prospect the power scaling potential theoretically. The RFL employs half-opened cavity structure which is composed by a section of 330 m polarization maintained (PM) passive fiber and two PM high reflectivity fiber Bragg gratings. The 2nd order Stokes light centered at 1178 nm reaches the pump limited maximal power of 100.7 W with a full width at half-maximum linewidth of 2.58 nm and polarization extinction ratio of 23.5 dB. The corresponding ultimate quantum efficiency of pump to 2nd order Stokes light is 86.43%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of linearly-polarized high-order RFL with hundred-watt output power. Furthermore, the theoretical investigation indicates that 300 W-level linearly-polarized single-mode 1st order Stokes light can be obtained from incoherently pumped RFL with 100 m PM passive fiber.

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