
A study of the inclusive charged hadron production in two-photon collisions is described. The data were collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP II. Results on the inclusive single-particle pT distribution and the differential charged hadrons dσ/dpT cross-section are presented and compared to the predictions of perturbative NLO QCD calculations and to published results.


  • T he inclusive production of hadrons in interactions can be used to study the structure of two-photon collisions [1]

  • T he data were collected w ith the D ELPH Idetector at LEP II.R esultson the inclusive single-particle pT distribution and the di erentialcharged hadronsd =dpT cross-section are presented and com pared to the predictionsof perturbative next-to-leading order (N LO) Q C D calculations and to published results

  • In this paper we present the D ELPH I study of the inclusive production of charged hadrons in collisions of quasi-real photons

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D ELPH IC ollaboration

A bstract A study ofthe inclusive charged hadron production in two-photon collisions is described. J.A bdallah, P.A breu, W .A dam 56, P.A dzic, T .A lbrecht, R .A lem any-Fernandez, T .A llm endinger, P.P.A llport, U .A m aldi, N .A m apane, S.A m ato, E .A nashkin, A .A ndreazza, S.A ndringa, N .A njos, P.A ntilogus, W -D .A pel, Y .A rnoud, S.A sk, B .A sm an, J.E .A ugustin, A .A ugustinus, P.B aillon, A .B allestrero, P.B am bade, R .B arbier, D .B ardin, G .J.B arker, A .B aroncelli, M .B attaglia, M .B aubillier, K -H .B ecks, M .B egalli, A .B ehrm ann, E .B en-H aim 22, N .B enekos, A .B envenuti, C .B erat, M .B erggren, D .B ertrand, M .B esancon, N .B esson, D .B loch, M .B lom 33, M .B luj, M .B onesini, M .B oonekam p42, P.S.L.B oothy, G .B orisov, O .B otner, B .B ouquet, T .J.V .B ow cock, I.B oyko, M .B racko, R .B renner, E .B rodet, P.B ruckm an, J.M .B runet, B .B uschbeck, P.B uschm ann, M .C alvi, T .C am poresi, V .C anale, F.C arena, N .C astro, F.C avallo, M .C hapkin, P h.C harpentier, P.C hecchia, R .C hierici, P.C hliapnikov, J.C hudoba, S.U .C hung, K .C ieslik, P.C ollins, R .C ontri, G .C osm e22, F.C ossutti, M .J.C osta, D .C rennell, J.C uevas, J.D ’H ondt, T .da Silva, W .D a Silva, G .D ella R icca, A .D e A ngelis, W .D e B oer, C .D e C lercq, B .D e Lotto , N .D e M aria, A .D e M in, L.de Paula, L.D iC iaccio, A .D iSim one, K .D oroba, J.D rees59;10, G .E igen, T .E kelof, M .E llert, M .E lsing, M .C .E spirito Santo, G .Fanourakis, D .Fassouliotis13;4, M .Feindt, J.Fernandez , A .Ferrer, F.Ferro, U .Flagm eyer, H .Foeth, E .Fokitis, F.Fulda-Q uenzer, J.Fuster, M .G andelm an, C .G arcia, P h.G avillet, E .G azis, R .G okieli10;57, B .G olob45;47, G .G om ez-C eballos, P.G oncalves, E .G raziani, G .G rosdidier, K .G rzelak, J.G uy, C .H aag, A .H allgren, K .H am acher, K .H am ilton, S.H aug, F.H auler, V .H edberg, M .H ennecke, J.H o m an, S-O .H olm gren, P.J.H olt, M .A .H oulden, J.N .Jackson, G .Jarlskog, P.Jarry, D .Jeans, E .K .Johansson, P.Jonsson, C .Joram 10, L.Jungerm ann, F.K apusta, S.K atsanevas , E .K atsou s34, G .K ernel, B .P.K ersevan45;47, U .K erzel, B .T .K ing, N .J.K jaer, P.K luit, P.K okkinias, C .K ourkoum elis, O .K ouznetsov , Z.K rum stein, M .K ucharczyk, J.Lam sa, G .Leder, F.Ledroit, L.Leinonen, R .Leitner, J.Lem onne, V .Lepeltiery, T .Lesiak, W .Liebig, D .Liko, A .Lipniacka48,J.H .Lopes53,J.M .Lopez36,D .Loukas13,P.Lutz42,L.Lyons37,J.M acN aughton56 ,A .M alek59,S.M altezos, F.M andl, J.M arco, R .M arco, B .M arechal, M .M argoni, J-C .M arin, C .M ariotti, A .M arkou, C .M artinez-R ivero, J.M asik, N .M astroyiannopoulos, F.M atorras, C .M atteuzzi, F.M azzucato , M .M azzucato, R .M c N ulty, C .M eroni, E .M igliore, W .M itaro 56, U .M joernm ark, T .M oa, M .M och, K .M oenig10;12, R .M onge, J.M ontenegro , D .M oraes, S.M oreno, P.M orettini, U .M ueller, K .M uenich, M .M ulders, L.M undim 8, W .M urray, B .M uryn, G .M yatt, T .M yklebust, M .N assiakou, F.N avarria, K .N aw rocki, S.N em ecek, R .N icolaidou, M .N ikolenko18;11, A .O blakow ska-M ucha, V .O braztsov, A .O lshevski, A .O nofre, R .O rava, K .O sterberg, A .O uraou, A .O yanguren, M .Paganoni, S.Paiano, J.P.Palacios, H .Palka, T h.D .Papadopoulou, L.Pape, C .Parkes, F.Parodi, U .Parzefall, A .Passeri, O .Passon, L.Peralta, V .Perepelitsa, A .Perrotta, A .Petrolini, J.P iedra, L.P ieri, F.P ierre, M .P im enta, E .P iotto, T .Podobnik45;47, V .Poireau, M .E .Pol, G .Polok, V .Pozdniakov, N .P ukhaeva , A .P ullia, D .R adojicic, P.R ebecchi, J.R ehn, D .R eid, R .R einhardt, P.R enton, F.R ichard, J.R idky, M .R ivero, D .R odriguez, A .R om ero, P.R onchese, P.R oudeau, T .R ovelli, V .R uhlm ann-K leider, D .R yabtchikov , A .Sadovsky, L.Salm i17, J.Salt, C .Sander, A .Savoy-N avarro, U .Schw ickerath , R .Sekulin, M .Siebel, A .Sisakian, G .Sm adja, O .Sm irnova, A .Sokolov, A .Sopczak, R .Sosnow ski, T .Spassov, M .Stanitzki, A .Stocchi, J.Strauss, B .Stugu, M .Szczekow ski , M .Szeptycka , T .Szum lak, T .Tabarelli, F.Tegenfeldt, J.T im m erm ans, L.T katchev , M .Tobin, S.Todorovova , B .Tom e24, A .Tonazzo, P.Tortosa, P.Travnicek, D .Treille, G .Tristram 9, M .Trochim czuk, C .Troncon, M -L.Turluer, I.A .T yapkin, P.T yapkin, S.T zam arias, V .U varov, G .V alenti, P.V an D am 33, J.V an E ldik, N .van R em ortel, I.V an V ulpen, G .V egni, F.V eloso, W .V enus, P.V erdier, V .V erzi, D .V ilanova, L.V itale, V .V rba, H .W ahlen, A .J.W ashbrook, C .W eiser, D .W icke, J.W ickens, G .W ilkinson, M .W inter, M .W itek, O .Y ushchenko , A .Zalew ska, P.Zalew ski, D .Zavrtanik, V .Zhuravlov18,N .I.Zim in18,A .Zintchenko18 ,M .Zupan iii

E xperim entalprocedure
D ata A nalysis and R esults
D iscussion of results
C onclusions
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