
This study examined Inclusive education and its impact in Ghanaian Language classroom as the best way to access quality education for all learners in Twi, regardless of their diverse backgrounds and abilities. The investigation utilizes a qualitative research design, incorporating qualitative interviews and surveys to gather data from educators, students and parents on Ghanaian language classrooms. The findings revealed that the implementation of inclusive education practices has positively influenced the learning experiences and outcomes of both students with disabilities and their peers. Through the adoption of inclusive pedagogies, such as differentiated instruction, collaborative learning, interactive approaches and assistive technologies, educators have successfully created inclusive environments that foster active participation and engagement among all learners. Fifty (50) participants were involved and interviewed to elicit significant information for the analysis. The sampling procedure was purposive as the investigation unearthed the natural information in the physical space. Primary source of data became the major source of information. Theory that underpinned this investigation was Sociocultural theory propounded by Lev Vygotsky (1962). This theory emphasizes the importance of social interaction and cultural context in the learning process. It suggests that individuals acquire knowledge and develop cognitive abilities through their interactions with more knowledgeable people and within the social and cultural environment in which they are immersed. The theory hinges on apprenticeship, guided participation and participatory appropriation.

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