
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to study and generalize the positive experience of implementing inclusive practices initiated by non–state actors - formal and informal associations of reconstructors. The subject of the research in this article is the inclusive culture of urban communities of historical reenactors, and the main goal is to identify the specifics of inclusive culture based on the analysis of the normative and value system of the reenactor movement and current socio–cultural practices implemented in the public space of the Russian city. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis are the conceptual provisions of the model of inclusive culture of the city, developed by the participants of the interdisciplinary project of the RFBR "Inclusive culture of social time: modern urban context (Lower Volga region)". Empirical research methods are used – included observation, secondary analysis of interviews. The novelty of the presented research is determined by the introduction into scientific circulation of new empirical material, the analysis of which allows us to reveal the inclusive readiness and specifics of the inclusive culture of the reenactors who are part of the All-Russian social movement "Historical Reconstruction Clubs". The author comes to the conclusion that the associations of reenactors belong to an inclusive community that shares key inclusive values – acceptance and support of diversity and participation. An important aspect of the inclusive culture of reenactors is participation in practical activities aimed at creating a barrier-free urban environment, an interactive communicative space in order to represent the world and domestic cultural and historical experience.

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