
The environmental influence of building fund is colossal. Traditional buildings exploit excessive amount of energy, water, land, and raw materials for construction and utilization. This conscienceless attitude towards the resources eventually causes the disruption of the natural balance, which brought into question the survival of human civilization. Current situation has triggered a huge response in the global community, woke her environmental awareness and prompted the man to turn around and return to nature in order to establish the initial state of balance. Statistical data indicates that educational institutions are in the second place from the aspect of energy consumption in the commercial sector with account just over 11% of total energy used by this sector. A great part of the preschool facilities in Serbia dates back to a period of time when there were no eco-friendly thinking in the building design process and construction. Research has shown that these are the buildings of older construction, energy inefficient and often dysfunctional with disrupted the parameters of stay comfort. The significant part of built fund is actually neglected and without planed strategic steps for regular keeping and maintenance. This study defines and valorizes concrete steps and methods for environmental, energy-efficient and economic reshaping in accordance with pre-defined standard, which will provide healthier living conditions, reduce the negative effects on the environment and climate changes and achieve significant energy savings. Applied functional - technical solutions in international pre-school buildings are analyzed in order to identify their positive characteristics and potential. Gathered knowledge and foreign practical experiences are used in the process of creating models adaptable to the areas and needs in Serbia. The main objective of research is seen in the tendency to determine and emphasize the direction of future green architectural practice in the area of pre-schools institutions’ building design. The basic idea is to initiate the new design activity which imperatively includes concept and principles of green architecture. Final results of mentioned process are a well thought out and detailed environmental - energy successful green buildings. With their environmental performances, ''green'' buildings of pre-school institutions, as a group of public purpose facilities, in addition to their positive impact on the growth and development of residing children population, directly contribute to the global energy efficiency increase and reduction of harmful impacts on the environment. The realization of the concept of ''green'' in the area of architecture requires the active cooperation of all the factors of the community. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.sace.12.3.13023

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