
A static modelling approach was used to study the growth and removal of inclusions during gas stirring in a ladle. A mathematical model of a gas‐stirred ladle was used to predict the data necessary to calculate growth and removal of inclusions. Results indicated that inclusion growth resulting from laminar shear collisions is negligible in comparison with growth from turbulent and Stokes collisions. Furthermore, the need for a model describing inclusion flotation by spherical‐cap bubbles was identified. Since the existing models presented in the literature are only valid for spherical bubbles, a model for the removal of inclusions by spherical‐cap bubbles was developed. Inclusion removal to the slag, refractory and by bubble flotation was compared. The mechanism determined to be responsible for the removal of the majority of inclusions larger than 25 μm was Stokes flotation and for the majority of the smaller inclusions, bubble flotation by spherical‐cap bubbles (assuming plane contact between the inclusion and the bubble).

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