
Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis [SSc]) is a rare autoimmune, connective tissue disorder. Perioral fibrosis is a local cutaneous complication, negatively impacting functional capabilities and aesthetic satisfaction. Fat grafting has been postulated to aid in the management of SSc fibrosis thanks to stem cell enrichment. This technique's success has been demonstrated using different graft origin sites and different injection targets. We aim to demonstrate our SSc patients' success using abdominal fat and perioral target. We queried our records for patients with preexisting SSc who underwent incisional release and fat grafting for perioral fibrosis from 2018 to 2021. For perioral release, a semisharp cannula was tunneled under the vermilion border into the vermilion and along the skin. For grafting, cannulas were used to infiltrate the fat with a retrograde filling technique in a radial-fanning manner. Their autoimmune diagnosis, anesthetic risk assessment, systemic disease complications, and degree of presenting symptoms were reviewed along with their postoperative outcomes. From 2018 to 2021, 16 patients diagnosed with SSc were treated with incisional release and fat grafting for the management of perioral fibrosis. Of the SSc patients, 8 presented with limited SSc, and 8 presented with diffuse SSc. The mean patient age was 54.31 years. All SSc patients presented with functional symptoms with the most common concern (n = 9) being "decreased mouth opening." Other common complaints were "difficulty eating" (n = 3) or "difficulty drinking" (n = 2). Some patients (n = 11) also presented with cosmetic concerns with "perioral rhytids" being the most common (n = 6). The mean number of systemic complications, at the time of presentation, was 3.06. The mean anesthetic risk assessment was 2.44. The average amount of fat grafted intraoperatively was 14.89 mL. Two patients with SSc required regrafting. For one patient, this was part of the original treatment plan and for the other due to fat resorption. Patients who followed up reported improved functionality and were pleased aesthetically. Patients with perioral fibrosis due to SSc can benefit from autologous fat grafting. Incisional release in combination with fat grafting can enhance procedure outcomes. This technique provides beneficial functional and aesthetic outcomes. Patients with both diffuse and limited disease are appropriate candidates for this procedure.

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