
Slit ventricle syndrome (SVS) is arecognizeddelayed complication ofcerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shuntingin children. Ithad beenlinked to the use of low-pressureshuntsandconsidered anargument for the use of programmablevalves.In this study, weaim to assess the rate of SVSin childrenthat wereshuntedusingfixed-pressure valves. This study is a retrospective cohort study that occurred in King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, which reviews 100 patients with a median age of 15.5 months that were shunted by using fixed pressure valves during the period from 2010 to 2018. Fixed low-pressure valves were used in 69% of patients, while fixed medium-pressure valves were used in 31% of patients.SVS was defined by the presence ofslit-like ventricles (fronto-occipital [F-O] hornsratiowas ≤ 0.2 onanypost-shunt CT scan)andthe occurrence ofslit-like ventricle-related symptoms (chronic headache, nausea, vomiting,andaltered conscious level_ in theabsence ofother causes of shunt malfunction. The overall SVS ratein thecohortwas 6%. Nine childrenhadslit-like ventricles, butonly six of themwere symptomatic. Relatively higherSVSrateswereobservedinyoungermale children,obstructivehydrocephalus,andmedium-pressure valves.Slit-like ventricle-related symptoms in the absence of a slit-like ventriclewere reported in 24 out of 91 (26%)patients.A total of42 patients underwent shunt revisions for other complications.AllSVSpatients were treated conservatively.There was a temporal fluctuationin the F-O horns ratio andinsome patientswithSVStheirF-Ohornsratio returnedto normal atfurtherfollow-up without intervention. The overall SVS ratefollowing the use offixed-pressure CSFvalves in children is lowand managed conservatively. Not all patients withslit-like ventricles are symptomaticand the radiological appearance of SVS may improveon further follow-up without intervention.Fixed pressure valves remainan acceptabledevice inthetreatment of hydrocephalus in children.

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