
Introduction: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has represented the use by health care professionals (HCP) of different personal protective equipment (PPE), resulting in the appearance of skin injuries associated with PPE (PPE-SI). Knowing the epidemiology, characteristics and factors related to the use of different types of PPE and the prevention and treatment of PPE-SI can be very useful to understand the scope of the problem and to define strategies for its prevention and treatment in possible future pandemics. Methods: To this end, the GNEAUPP proposed the performance of a cross-sectional study, in the geographical area of the Spanish state, by means of a self-administered survey using a Google forms questionnaire. The study universe was HCP, from any discipline and from any level of care or type of institution with patients who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients or COVID-19 suspects and have used PPE during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Main results: We obtained 2078 questionnaires, 75.5% from nurses, 10.79% from nurse aids, and 6.6% from physicians. Of these, 84.7% were women and 15.3% were men with an average age of 43.7 years. In 18.2% of the cases the institution of the professional had a protocol for the prevention of PPE-SI, in 10.2% the professional did not know if it existed or not and in the remaining 71.3% the institution did not have such a protocol. 29.9% of the professionals always used some prevention product and 25.3% sometimes. 52.4% of respondents reported having submitted at least one PPE-SI, of which 39% had submitted one, 35.8% two, 14.3% three, 2.2% four and 8.6% more than four. In relation to PPE-SI, 74.3% were defined as pressure injuries (PI), 11% were friction injuries (FI), 8.5% were combined or multicausal injuries (CMCI) and 6.1% were skin injuries associated with moisture (MASI). The mean duration of incident injuries was 11.6 days (9.7 days for PI, 10.2 days for FI, 19.9 days for CMCI and 19.4 days for MASI). More detailed Information is presented in the paper by type of device causing, typology and severity of injuries per device as well as preventive measures used.

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