
The way teachers assess in classroom impact over cognitive and socio-affective development of the students. This paper aims to determine the relationship between the teacher’s evaluation to their students, and the academic achievement of their students in four specifi c areas: Linguistic Competence, Mathematical Competence, Scientifi c Competence, and Social and Citizenship Competence. To reach our aim, this paper made a special analysis with the data of the Spanish General Diagnostic Evaluation –2009– to 28,708 students, and 1341 teachers of 887 schools. The use of Multilevel Model Analysis with three levels shows the impact of each evaluation strategy on the four competencies studied. Our study confirms those teachers who prepare exams after each lesson, give homework, review notebooks, and value the interest and participation of students in classroom do better. On the other side, we have found an inverse relationship between prepare quarterly exams and the skill development of the students.

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