
Various kinds of leaf spots and blights were found in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) orchards on 2006 in Korea. Disease incidences were quite variable between open-field and rain-proof shelter. Rate of diseased leaves was recorded as about 70% at open-field orchards in late season but use of rain-proof vinyl shelters alleviated the disease incidences by 20%. Angular leaf spots appeared at early infection stage on June and several other symptoms were also recognized as the disease developed afterward. On September, brown leaf blights were the most frequent, followed by grayish brown ring spots, silvering gray leaf blights, zonate leaf blights, dark brown ring spots and angular leaf spots at open-field orchards. Four fungal species were frequently isolated from the disease symptoms. Phomopsis sp. was the most predominant fungus associated with the leaf spot and blight symptoms on kiwifruit, followed by Glomerella cingulata, Alternaria alternata and Pestalo-tiopsis sp. Phomopsis sp. was commonly isolated from angular leaf spots, silvering gray leaf blights, and zonate brown leaf blights. G. cingulata, A. alternata and Pestalotiopsis sp. were isolated from grayish brown ring spots (anthracnose), brown ring spots and zonate dark brown leaf blights. Typical symptoms appeared on the wounded and unwounded leaves, which were inoculated by each of Phomopsis sp., G. cingulata, and Pestalotiopsis sp., but A. alternata caused symptoms only on the wounded leaves.

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