
Field survey studies were conducted during three growing seasons to study the prevalence and distribution of PVY strains infecting potato in different locations at Behairah, Sharkia and Menoufia governorates (Egypt). The most common symptoms were different types of mosaic, leaf crinkling, necrosis and leaf drop streak. Four virus strains namely: tobacco veinal necrosis strain (PVY), common strain (PVY), stipple streak strain (PVY) and potato tuber necrotic ring spot (PVY) were detected using DAS-ELISA. At the nile growing season PVY was the most prevalent virus (63.5%) followed by PVY (25%). PVY had the highest frequency (67%), followed by PVY (25.7%) at the winter growing season. While at summer growing season, PVY and PVY had the most prevalent viruses (36.7%). Agar double diffusion test was used to confirm the identity of the isolated PVY strains. The Egyptian PVY strains reacted strongly with the specific antiserum for each strain forming a prominent precipitin line. Productivity of potato cultivar Spunta to infect with virus strains was conducted in the farm of Benha, Qalubia decreased by 22.6% to 50.5% according to the strain as compared with control.

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