
The result indicated that live burrow count (LBC), trapping index (TI) and rodent damage (%) recorded at different crop growth stages increased with the advancement of the crop growth of both sali and boro rice. Maximum LBC (42.82), trap index (6.66) and cut tillers (8.2%) was recorded at harvesting stage of the sali rice followed by ripening stage with a mean LBC of 36.61, trap index of 6.02 and 6.6% cut tillers. Field rodents started damage from tillering stage of the rice crop. Rodents establishment in the rice field was completed by the panicle initiation stage. Boro rice grown after sali rice i.e. from December to March, the highest incidence was recorded at harvesting stage with a mean LBC of 28.61, trap index of 3.8 and 3.3% damage. In rice-rice cropping sequence, the rodent incidence was comparatively less in boro rice than sali rice.

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