
FOUR years ago we reviewed the data in the Illinois Research Hospital on carcinoma of the thyroid with particular reference to its incidence in goiter. We noted that carcinoma was found in 17.1 per cent of all our patients having thyroidectomy for nontoxic nodular goiter (1). One of the reasons why this figure appeared high was because other authors had failed to break down the types of goiter and had reported the incidence in all types of goiter, or in both types of nodular goiter combined. Our incidence of carcinoma in toxic and nontoxic nodular goiter was 7.2 per cent in the 1936–1944 series. Since this figure appeared quite high, we decided a few months ago to review our recent data. By a strange coincidence, the incidence of carcinoma in nontoxic nodular goiter was found to be almost identical, namely, 17.2 per cent. The incidence of carcinoma in toxic nodular goiter varies considerably, as would be expected, largely because there is considerable difficulty in determining whether or not certain mild ...

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