
The rugose spiralling whitefly (RSW), Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin has spread across Andhra Pradesh since its first report and has become a serious pest in the several pockets of India, especially in Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. Surveys were conducted in the Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh during 2018-19 to know the incidence, infestation levels, damage intensity and natural enemy fauna of RSW. Study revealed that, a total of 101 plant species under 47 families were recorded as hosts of A. rugioperculatus, particularly 10 crop families with 100 per cent incidence. Natural enemies mainly predators viz., Menochilus sexmaculata, spider sp. and Dichochrysa sp. were recorded. Further, the incidence, infestation levels and damage intensity of RSW on coconut, oil palm, guava, banana and cocoa were elaborately discussed.

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