
Grapevine Pinot gris virus (GPGV) was firstly identified in northern Italy by deep sequencing from grapevine cv. Pinot gris, exhibiting mottling and deformation of the leaves. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence and genetic variability of GPGV isolates obtained from different local and imported grapevine cultivars in Turkey based on partial coat protein, movement protein and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domain of the replicase (Rep) gene. Two hundred and one grapevine samples from different provinces were tested by RT-PCR assays, approximately 25% of which were found to be infected by GPGV. The PCR products were sequenced and based on the phylogenetic analysis, RdRp gene was found to be most conserved region. The phylograms of three genomic regions revealed correlation between geography and genetic structure. Furthermore, nucleotide diversity studies revealed a low divergence from the homologous sequences from GenBank and some variations within the groups were detected. The results presented in this study provide a better understanding of genetic variation and phylogenetic of GPGV isolates worldwide.

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