
SummaryB. Sidibé & G. Laugé: Influence of constant temperature conditions and thermo-periods on some biological features of Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae).Spodoptera littoralis was reared on artificial diet under 8 constant temperature conditions (from 5° to 40 °C) and 4 thermoperiods. The lowest threshold for larval development was 15° and the highest one was 35°. Optimal constant temperature condition was 25° (larval development time: 17.8 days; whole larval mortality rate: 21.6%). Under the other constant temperature conditions, mortality rate was higher during L1, L2 and L6 stages than during L3, L4, L5 ones. Under thermoperiods (mainly 30°-5°), not only larval development is possible, but also development speed was increased. Thermal conditions for pupal development were different. For instance, there was no pupal development under 15° or under 30°-5° thermoperiod. The optimal constant condition was again 25°. Pupal weight, just after pupation, is higher if larval development occured under constant temperatures than under thermoperiods. Virgin females laid eggs the number of which is smaller than that laid by females living with males. Cultures in 30° and crosses between males and females reared, one in 25° and the other in 30°, showed that reproductive potentialities of Spodoptera littoralis are thermo-sensitive.

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