
Virus diseases are the major cause of economic losses in commercial cucurbit production in Lebanon. This survey revealed that Zucchini yellow mosaic Potyvirus (ZYMV) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows Polerovirus (CABYV) are the most common viruses of field-grown cucurbits in Lebanon. They are followed by Watermelon mosaic Potyvirus (WMV), Papaya ringspot Potyvirus-watermelon strain (PRSV-W) and to a lesser extent Cucumber mosaic Cucumovirus (CMV). Cross-protection with a mild strain of ZYMV-WK gave significant protection of squash plants against severe virus symptoms and resulted in significant yield increase as compared to the control. Silver plastic mulch also gave a significant protection against viral diseases and a higher total yield than controls. However, the best protection and highest total yield were obtained with floating row covers. The integration of cross-protection with silver mulch or with floating row covers improved the protection obtained with either approach.

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