
Studies on seasonal incidence and management of fruit borers were carried out at two locations viz., Udheywalla (irrigated) and Raya (rainfed), of Jammu, India during 2000–2001 on guava cv. Lucknow - 49. Highest incidence (20%) of guava fruit borers, Virachola isocrates Fab. and Dichocrosis punctiferalis Guen., was observed in 32nd standard week at Udheywalla, while as the peak incidence (9%) was recorded in 33rd standard week at Raya. A comparison of the infestation levels at Udheywalla and Raya revealed that fruit borer infestation was higher in irrigated compared to the rainfed area. Multiple correlation analysis of the data of both the locations showed that the abiotic factors like maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity (morning and evening) and rainfall, contributed up to 63.2% (R 2 = 0.632) for borer infestation. Six insecticides namely, cypermethrin 10 EC, carbaryl 50WP, dimethoate 30EC, neem oil 30EC, endosulfan 35EC and polytrin - C (a combination of profenphos 40EC + cypermethrin 4EC), at recommended dosages, were evaluated for the management of the borers. Two applications of dimethoate 30 EC (0.05%) were found to be the most effective in controlling the infestation after two sprays followed by polytrin-C. Neem oil was found to be least effective.

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