
This study was to investigate the morphology, topographic anatomy and variations of Zygomaticofacial foramen (ZFF). Frequency variations and Location/distance of ZFF from surrounding standard landmarks were evaluated in 100 adult human dry skulls. The frequency of ZFF was varied from being single to as many as four foramina and absence of ZFF, which was classified into Type I – V for single, double, triple, four foramina and absence of ZFF respectively. The frequency (%) of these types was Type I: 46 & 51, Type II: 31 & 26, Type III: 4 & 6, Type IV: 1 & 1 and Type V: 18 & 16 respectively on right & left sides of the skulls. The mean distance of Zygomaticofacial foramen from Zygomaticomaxillary suture, nearest part of Orbital margin, Frontozygomatic suture, Zygomaticotemporal suture and Zygomatic angle was 13.8 & 12.2mm, 6.8 & 6.9mm, 24.8 & 26.7mm, 20.8 & 21.5mm and 12.4 & 13.5mm respectively on right & left sides of skulls. Knowledge on these variables will be helpful for surgeons for various surgical procedures like Orbitozygomatic craniotomy, for nerve block and Malar reduction surgeries.

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