
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diversity of herbaceous plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi following the cultivation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., cv. BRS 321) irrigated with produced water. The sunflower plants were irrigated during three successive cycles with different types of water: produced water obtained through simple filtration (PWSF), and secondly, produced water treated by reverse osmosis (PWRO), and the control with groundwater from the aquifer Acu (WCA). In June 2014, five months after the final harvest, the treatments were evaluated in terms of the diversity of successor plants and their roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM); and samples of soil, in which the following were measured: the spore abundance of AM fungi, the levels of glomalin in easily extracted glomalin and total glomalin. Of a total of eighteen species of herbaceous plants which were identified in the experimental field, Dactyloctenium aegyptium was related with the use of PWSF, Panicum sp. and Diodella apiculata with the use of PWRO, and Trianthema portulacastrum and Eragrostis tenella with the control WCA. The diversity of AM fungi was affected by irrigation with PWSF, in which two species of Acaulospora, one species of Gigaspora and species of Paraglomus were absent, compared to the treatment with PWRO. Acaulospora sp.1 was related with the WCA control as an indicator species. The use of produced water which had undergone reverse osmosis had a short-term effect on the content of glomalin which is easily extractable from the soil but did not change the mycorrhization rates of plants. These results enable us to infer that irrigation with produced water leads to a reduction in the diversity of herbaceous plants and of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, confirming the importance of monitoring agro-systems irrigated with residual water.

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