
The purpose of this article is to research the issue of managerial communication, being a part of a complex and larger research related to the impact of managerial communication on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Moldova, having as the object of research the SMEs in the wine sector. One of the many concerns of a modern manager is improving managerial performance. In the daily challenge, they have to better achieve the proposed objectives, and the set tasks - to have better results, to form a stronger team and a more favourable organisational climate in the enterprise, to ensure better results, the manager can succeed even by improving internal managerial communication. Through internal managerial communication, the manager not only transmits and receives information from subordinates, but establishes constructive relationships with them and forms an organizational climate favourable to the growth and development of the company's performance. The organizational climate in the enterprise, as an inclusive result of the managerial communication style, can be defensive or cooperative, the specifics of these types of organizational climate being analysed in the respective article. The present article comes with a scientific novelty and more precisely a systemic-cybernetic perspective on the problem of subordinates' reaction to incentives and disincentives in managerial communication. At the same time, it is demonstrated the probability of balance of success in achieving tasks and objectives proposed to subordinates by the manager, to achieve the desired results depending on the use of incentives and disincentives in internal managerial communication.

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