
Active-site-directed reagents, of the general structure omega-(BrCH2CONH)RCOY, where R = alkyl, aryl, or aralkyl, and Y = OH or NH2, inactivated horse, mouse, rat, and human liver alcohol dehydrogenases at widely different rates, reflecting differences in reagent specificity and in the structures of the enzymes. Treatment of mice and rats with either of two optimally specific reagents, p-(XCH2CONH)C6H4(CH2)3CONH2, where X = Br (7) or CH3SO3 (10), partially (20 to 40%) inactivated alcohol dehydrogenase in liver, inhibited ethanol metabolism, and prolonged the impairment of coordination produced by ethanol in these animals. Although the dose of 7 used (0.13 mmol/kg) approximated the LD50, 10 was effective at a dose of 0.48 mmol/kg that was not acutely toxic.

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