
The problems caused by foodborne pathogens are not only a concern to the food industry but also with regard to global public health. Over the years, fermentation technology has proved to be one of the cheapest and safest methods for inactivating and controlling pathogenic microorganisms in food. Scientific evidence shows that lactic acid bacteria fermentation exerts significant antimicrobial effect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Lactic acid bacteria metabolites such as organic acids, bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxides have adverse effects on foodborne pathogens which lead to their inhibition. These compounds do not only cause physical injuries, but also have significant effects on the pathogens' gene expression. Furthermore, the presence of lactic acid bacteria in food provides nutritional competition among foodborne pathogens, and all these factors together suppress their growth. This study reviews our current knowledge of the antimicrobial abilities of lactic acid bacteria, their molecular mechanisms, and their application for inactivating foodborne pathogens.

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