
The rapid growth in the use of optogenetics for neuroscience applications is largely driven by two important advantages: highly specific cellular targeting through genetic manipulations; and precise temporal control of neuronal activation via temporal modulation of the optical stimulation. The difference between the most commonly used stimulation modalities, namely diffused (i.e. synchronous) and focused (i.e. asynchronous) stimulation has not been described. Furthermore, full realization of optogenetics’ potential is hindered by our incomplete understanding of the cellular and network level response to photoactivation. Here we address these gaps by examining the neuronal and cerebrovascular responses to focused and diffuse photostimulation of channelrhodopsin in the Thy1-ChR2 mouse. We presented the responses of photoactivation via 470-nm fiber optic illumination (diffuse) alongside 458-nm raster-scan (focused) stimulation of the barrel field. Local field potentials (LFP) assessment of intracerebral electrophysiology and two-photon fluorescence microscopy measurements of red blood cell (RBC) speed (vRBC) in cortical penetrating vessels revealed ∼40% larger LFP responses (p = 0.05) and twice as large cerebrovascular responses (p = 0.002) under focused vs. diffuse photostimulation (focused: 1.64 ± 0.84 mV LFP amplitude and 75 ± 48% increase in vRBC; diffuse: 1.14 ± 0.75 mV LFP amplitude and 35 ± 23% increase in vRBC). Compared to diffuse photostimulation, focused photostimulation resulted in a ∼65% increase in the yield of cerebrovascular responses (73 ± 10% for focused and 42 ± 29% for diffuse photostimulation) and a doubling of the signal-to-noise ratio of the cerebrovascular response (20.9 ± 14.7 for focused and 10.4 ± 1.4 for diffuse photostimulation). These data reveal important advantages of focused optogenetic photoactivation, which can be easily integrated into single- or two-photon fluorescence microscopy platforms, as a means of assessing neuronal excitability and cerebrovascular reactivity, thus paving the way for broader application of optogenetics in preclinical models of CNS diseases.

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