
In in vivo experiments, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and (±)-2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine HCl (DOI), a 5-HT 2 receptor agonist, were applied by ionophoresis to rat nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) neurones identified by their vagal and cardiopulmonary afferent inputs to test whether the response of NTS cells to 5-HT 2 receptor activation was related to whether they received mono- or polysynaptic vagal inputs and their presumed function as defined by their afferent input. Cells were classified on the basis of the variability of the latency of the vagal-evoked spikes: this varied by less than 3 ms for Group 1, from 3 to 5 ms for Group 2, and more than 5 ms for Group 3. Both 5-HT and DOI inhibited most Group 1 cells (16/18) and inactive (without ongoing activity) cells (8/13) in Group 2. Cells inhibited by DOI were also inhibited by cardiopulmonary afferent stimulation, evoked by atrial phenylbiguanide administration. By contrast, application of 5-HT and DOI excited the majority of Group 3 cells (14/19) and Group 2 with ongoing activity (7/9). Cells excited by DOI were also activated by cardiopulmonary stimulation. Both actions of DOI were reversed by application of ketanserin ( n=15). In conclusion, these data demonstrate that activation of 5-HT 2 receptors in the NTS produces different effects dependent on whether the neurones received mono- or polysynaptic vagal input and their response to cardiopulmonary afferent stimulation.

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