
This study describes the dynamic cerebral microcirculatory changes occurring in transient forebrain ischemia and reperfusion, associating evaluations of capillary perfusion and microvessel diameter. A laser-scanning confocal fluorescence microscope, with high-speed resolution in two dimensions, was used in combination with fluorescence-labeled erythrocytes and plasma. Pentobarbital-anesthetized rats equipped with a closed cranial window over the parietal cortex were given both diluted fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and FITC-labeled erythrocytes. The microcirculation was dynamically visualized in pial microvessels and parenchymal capillaries down to 200μm underneath the brain surface. The microvessel flow was video-recorded at 50 images per second to determine the flux and velocity of labeled erythrocytes in capillaries. Forebrain ischemia was induced for 15 min under the con-focal microscope, using the four-vessel occlusion method. As soon as carotid arteries were clamped the arteriolar erythrocyte flow became extremely low and a rapid, transient arteriole diameter increase occurred for 1-2 min, immediately followed by vasoconstriction and a fall in capillary erythrocyte velocity from 0.39 ± 0.15 mm/s to approximately 0. At the unclamping, arteriolar blood flow was instantaneously rapid but with no significant change in vessel diameter and without full recovery of capillary perfusion. It is only after 5 min of reperfusion that arteriole dilatation started, further attaining a maximal value of 181% ± 27% (n = 19) at 11 min of re-perfusion. In the meantime, capillary erythrocyte velocity and flux increased (up to 1.79 ± 1.01 mm/s velocity). No capillary recruitment of erythrocytes, in its classical sense, was observed.

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