
Our recent studies indicate that the aging process impairs gut mucosal humoral immune responses to mycobacterial antigen (Ag), largely owing to defects in T cell function — in particular, that of suppressor T cells. To correct the age-associated Ag-specific T cell-mediated immune alteration recombinant IL2 (50 000 units/s.c./mouse/day) was administered for 3 weeks to the aged (> 24 months) mice (BALB/c), which were divided into 4 groups (Gr) [Gr.1, fed intragastrically (i.g.) with saline; Gr. 2, immunized i.g. with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (M. paratbc) protoplasmic Ag; Gr. 3, administered IL2 alone; Gr. 4, immunized i.g. with the Ag and given IL2]. In addition, young adult mice were also grouped and treated as the aged. First, we examined the effect of exogenous IL2 on Ag-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) production by gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) (Peyer's patches, PP; mesenteric lymph nodes, MLN) and non-GALT (spleen, SPN) cells. Aged Gr. 4 (treated with both Ag and IL2) GALT and SPN unfractionated cells showed significantly reduced production of Ag-specific IgM, IgG, and IgA, as compared to aged Gr. 2 (treated with Ag alone) cells. Second, in co-culture experiments with aged T and B cells, aged GALT-derived CD8+ suppressor T (Ts)-depleted T cell subsets of Gr. 4 helped Ag-specific IgM and IgA production by GALT B cells, but to a slightly lesser extent, than those of the Gr. 2. GALT CD4+ T cells of aged Gr. 4 augmented IgM and IgG production by GALT B cells nearly to the levels of the corresponding cocultures of the Gr. 2. In contrast to aged Gr. 2 cocultures, GALT CD4+ plus CD8+ cells of aged Gr. 4 decreased IgM and IgA production to a considerable extent, and in those of SPN, IgA production was also diminished. The humoral immune responses of aged unprimed Gr. 1 (treated with saline) and Gr. 3 (treated with IL2 alone) GALT and SPN cells remained almost unchanged. Similarly, in all Gr. from young adult mice, oral tolerance was maintained regardless of IL2 administration. Third, together with the deletion experiments of the Ts cells, the results of the cross experiments, in which the young adult B and CD4+ Th cells and aged CD8+ Ts cells were cocultured, clearly support the view that the corrective mechanism of the humoral immune responses in aged GALT by exogenous IL2 is attributed to the partial recovery of the Ts cell functions. In conclusion, in vivo IL2 administration remediated considerably the age-associated oral intolerance to an enteric mycobacterial Ag in mice particularly by inducing the effector function of the Ag-specific Ts cells.

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