
Facial soft tissue thicknesses are mainly used in facial reconstruction for the purpose of forensic identification. Several studies of facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) in subadults have been published from different ancestral backgrounds such as Caucasoid, African-American, Hispanics and Japanese subjects. However, there is no existing available FSTT data for Turkish subadults. This study reports FSTT data in Turkish subadults of both sexes, aged between 3 and 18. FSTTs were measured at 31 anatomical points on the faces of 450 individuals. A table of mean FSTTs was developed for boys and girls divided into three age groups (3–8; 9–13; 14–18). Differences between boy and girl measurements in three age groups were compared using Student’s t-test. Significant differences were observed at some landmarks in each age group. In order to observe differences among age groups, an ANOVA (one-way analyses of variance) followed by a LSD (least significant difference) Post Hoc test was applied to the variances. The boys showed a general increase in tissue thickness with an increase at all the midline and cheek points. The girls showed increased tissue thickness with age at all points except supraglabella, upper lip, frontal eminence, lateral nasal, sub-orbital and supraglenoid.

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