
Understanding the mechanisms of absorption and transport of foliar nutrition is a key step towards the development of advanced fertilization methods. This study employed X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) to trace the in vivo absorption and transport of ZnO and ZnSO4(aq) to soybean leaves (Glycine max). XRF maps monitored over 48 h showed a shape change of the dried ZnSO4(aq) droplet, indicating Zn2+ absorption. Conversely, these maps did not show short movement of Zn from ZnO. XRF measurements on petioles of leaves that received Zn2+ treatments clarified that the Zn absorption and transport in the form of ZnSO4(aq) was faster that of ZnO. Solubility was the major factor driving ZnSO4(aq) absorption. XANES speciation showed that in planta Zn is transported coordinated with organic acids. Because plants demand Zn during their entire lifecycle, the utilization of sources with different solubilities can increase Zn use efficiency.

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